2Pieces Metal Tooth Hair Brush Pack of 2

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*Detangle hair Process*

Brush Your Wigs hair in sections. First from the bottomthen brush the middle section, finally brush the top section of hair.

Try to brush it in gently, if you got difficult on brushing or the hair too tangled, try some hair conditioner spray on the tangled hair, when the hair is a little wet, use the metal tooth hair brush re brush it, re-spray the hair conditioner until you can brush it through. If the tangled hair totally in mess, you can simply cut it off.

Hang until the hair of the wig dry.

  • When Brush the hair of the wig, you could put your wigs on Wigstand(GET Wigstand Now!), then brush the hair with a metal tooth hairbrush. (Metal can avoid the Electrostatic effect makes dry hair messier )
  • if you do not have the wig stand, you can use your left hand, put your hand through your wig scalp, use your finger hold the wig scalp, like this picture, now you can easily control your wig
  • For messy hair wigs, I suggest you wash the wig first.